So, you’ve decided to step into the future, fly free 和 cut the cord. 我们真为你兴奋! 你的生活即将升级.

幸运的是,视频流选项不断增加. 这是我们可以帮忙的地方. Our Cord Cutter’s Guide will help you figure out exactly which devices 和 services you need for what you want to watch now. 我们知道你永远不会怀念有线电视时代的过去.


Before you go through the stress of pressing 1 for english, repeating “CANCEL. MY. 服务.” to a bot, 和 waiting on hold for an hour, let’s make sure you’re ready.


You’ll need a healthy internet connection to power all the streaming you’re about to do. 尽管许多流媒体服务正在利用缓存, if you’re planning to watch TV in the living room while your roommate is streaming 网飞公司 in the bedroom 和 you’re FaceTiming your mom 和 staying active on your work slack... 好吧. 至少我们在说话 一个4K流25Mbps -尽管如此,你可能需要80Mbps才能安全.

Figure out if your current internet b和width can h和le it by running a 简单的测试.



There are a 很多 of options out there to support streaming services, from 流媒体盒 还有笔记本电脑 智能电视无线天线. Maybe you already have your devices hooked up to your internet--or you want to supplement what’s sitting in your living room now. 如果你需要帮助来决定什么是适合你的, 看看这个概述.


Unless you’re planning to cut the cord because you hate TV (but...我们正处于黄金时代?!),你需要订阅一些流媒体服务. 机会是, you may already subscribe to (or use your ex-girlfriend’s uncle’s login for) 网飞公司, Hulu, 或者HBO Now. 也许你看的所有东西都在上面,所以你已经准备好了.

Are you worried about live tweets spoiling your favorite reality tv show or sitcom? Maybe you’re 更多的 concerned about big sports games or award shows? 你只需要找到合适的流媒体服务.

我们有一个 很多 这里有一些建议.

未来还会有更多. 这让我们想到...


Everyone has their own refined taste when it comes to watching TV. 你是情景喜剧迷吗? 本科(表示“小”)的粉丝? 新闻迷,纪录片迷,或者单口喜剧极速赛车正规开奖官网网站家? 无论你喜欢看什么, the great news is that you can find it somewhere on the internet, 通过应用程序, 或者使用附加设备.



网飞公司 started out delivering DVDs straight to your mailbox 和 soon became a digital platform (but you can still get DVDs delivered!). 虽然你可以在网飞公司上找到大量的电影和节目, 粉丝们最喜欢的包括《极速赛车正规开奖官网网站》, 《女子监狱, 黑镜子, 戴夫·查普尔的单口相声特色菜, 和 更多的. 说真的,这还只是冰山一角.

  • 这是一个很适合每个人-他们有家长控制, 不断增长的内容缓存, 以及各种类型的电视剧和电影的巨大宝库.
  • 订阅费为12美元.99元/月 for two HD streams -- this is the middle 和 most common plan. 您可以随时升级,降级或取消.
  • Access 网飞公司 from a TV, computer, tablet, or smartphone - stream wherever you find WiFi. 他们现在甚至让你下载外带节目!


Hulu subscription streaming service features a 很多 of original content, aggregated shows 和 movies from outside sources 和 Hulu Live. 《使女的故事》也很受欢迎, 公园及康乐, 和 you can stroll down memory lane with throwbacks like Twin Peaks or Scrubs.

  • This is a good solution if you want to keep up with current tv shows, 但不要在意看他们的直播. 如果你真的想看正在播出的节目, you can watch almost everything you’d get with cable through Hulu Live - plus Hulu originals.
  • Hulu Live有点贵,售价44美元.99元/月, but that means that you can watch live sports to your heart’s delight. 你可以选择较低的订阅,起价为5美元.99元/月.
  • Access Hulu on your computer, tablet, or phone 通过应用程序. You can choose how many streams to have going at once - there is nothing worse than getting kicked out in the middle of binging Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


YouTube, everyone’s favorite spot to watch music videos, launched YouTube上电视. 类似于Hulu Live, the offering features everything you could watch with cable without a cable box.

  • 如果你是YouTube高级会员(单独订阅), you can watch YouTube web content without ads through YouTube上电视.
  • 售价49美元.99元/月 with the ability to cancel anytime (unlike cable). That means you can sign up during basketball season 和 unsubscribe during baseball season.
  • YouTube电视是一个很好的手机界面, just in case you’re stuck at work while your team is playing in the World Cup, 或者世界职业棒球大赛, 或者超级碗...你懂的. It can be accessed via all the regular channels as 好吧 (computer, tv, tablet, etc.)

Amazon Prime

If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you already have access to Amazon’s streaming service. 比如Hulu和网飞公司, 亚马逊一直在涉足内容创作, 但他们主要是电视节目和电影的聚合者. The best/worst part of Amazon Prime Video - if a show or movie isn’t included with your prime membership, 你可以很容易地在界面中购买它. Dangerous for your credit card, great for fulfilling all your streaming desires.

  • If you already have a Prime membership, start using this service now! 如果没有,亚马逊Prime会员的价格是12美元.除非你是学生,否则每月99美元(或每年119美元).
  • The membership includes the streaming service plus everything else Amazon offers (two-day shipping, 全食超市折扣, Kindle电子书…).
  • You can download shows 和 movies from Amazon to watch on planes, trains, long car rides, etc. 在常用设备上可用.


新来的人, 迪斯尼+ is definitely making a splash with those who are nostalgic for anything from the Disney Channel, 迪斯尼电影, 或者寻找新的星球大战或重启的节目来观看. 付费后完全没有广告.

  • 迪斯尼+只需要6美元.99/month 和 fun for the whole family; there's content for kids, 漫威宇宙, 《极速赛车正规开奖官网网站》(太好了, 我们说了两次), 甚至更多.
  • Disney is currently offering a bundle that includes Hulu 和 ESPN for $12.99/month, so you can get animation, made-for-TV shows, 和 sports
  • 你可以下载迪士尼+的节目. Sounds like a great way to keep the peace during a family roadtrip.


You may be familiar with the br和ed DirecTV satellite dishes that used to perch out of windows or on rooftops. DirecTV moved into streaming services by offering one of the most comprehensive packages - without the satellite. 被AT收购后,他们重新命名&T. This service offers a plethora of channels (anything you could watch with cable!)以及HBO、CineMAX或Starz等大量附加服务.

  • If you watch a 很多 of television - maybe you have multiple watchers in your home - AT&现在看电视是为你准备的.
  • This is one of the 更多的 expensive options, starting at $50 per month 和 going up from there. “终极”套餐每月135美元.
  • 访问在&现在看电视从他们的应用程序,“随时随地”

There’s a 很多 of options out there 和 this is just scraping the surface. Cutting the cord can be confusing at first, but you’re not alone. 超过 100万人放弃了有线电视 仅在2018年最后一个季度. Before you know it, you’ll be wondering why you ever had cable to begin with.

